an incandescent dance of laser and apple, burning etchings upon the ephemeral flesh of existence, a fleeting breath of love.
一束激光在一颗颗苹果上反复雕刻一个 愛 字
The Chinese character 愛 (LOVE) is continuously etched onto different apples through laser light. Leaving traces of decay on the soft skin of the apple, refracting and scattering back into space as organic forms of light. The intense heat of the concentrated light speeds up the rate of decomposition, occasionally releasing smoke from the apple, and recurrently deepening the mark of love.
强烈集中的光束所产生的高温不断烧灼并腐蚀苹果脆弱的表皮,偶尔从中释放出缕缕轻烟与奇特的焦味 部分强光则被果皮折射为变幻莫测的光影,而其看似自由无序的运动与变化,全部源自同一 “愛” 在不同苹果上的每一运笔
Despite the precision of the controlled system and machine, the same word of 愛 is different on each apple.
Installation: custom laser program, 30w laser projector, apples
As its title suggests, the artwork is open for interpretation.
The audience can each place an apple of their choice to be etched, and are invited to either enjoy its sweetness within the moment or take away for it to later deteriorate.